Sunday 8 July 2012

Nail Art

Hey everyone! As I am now on my summer holiday from college I have more time to blog :)
On saturday night I went to stay at my friend called Kristy's house which was a pretty hilarious night :P
Anyway we decided to experiment with nail art and so painted each others nails and here are the results (they were so easy to do!!) Hope you enjoy!!! :) xxx

Here's how to do them:
•Apply A base coat to all of your nails

•Apply White nail varnish on tops of nails in a circular shape
•Wait to dry then, using a dotting tool, dip into black nail varnish and dot onto nails to make eyes, nose and ears
•Once dry, use a smaller dotting tool with white nail varnish and dab on to make the eyes

Waist Coat
•Apply a layer of white nail varnish and wait to dry
•Then using a black nail art pen or a thin paint brush dipped in black nail varnish, make the lines of the waist coat and fill in
•Then, using the dotting tool dipped in black nail varnish make a cross and fill in either side of the cross to make the bow tie.
•Make a single dot below the bow tie using the dotting tool to make the button

Striped nails
•You can either use a coat of black nail varnish or white nail varnish but probably easer to use white.
•Then, using the dotting tool dip into the black nail varnish and carefully draw the stripe lines either going horizontally or vertically, whichever you prefer. (You will need to be patient as you will have to keep dip the dotting tool into the black nail varnish often to get a good line)

•Then finish all your nails with a top coat nail varnish :)

Dotting tools - Amazon - £1.50 approx.

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